Mistcreep Plaguebearer Part 2

'Now, I really should take action. I've already pushed her so much this time, it'll surely discipline her rude mouth a bit.' I thought.

I started moving in the middle of the battlefield, my barrier moved with me eradicating any zombie that got in the way. Watching me move loli bitch despaired face turned into a bright smile but when she realized I am noticing her, with "Humph" she turned her face away and started focusing on the fight in front of her, all the while her long elves were turned red and twitching. Still, she was staring at me with the corner of her eyes.

I arrived in front of the Mistcreep Plaguebearer. Noticing me, he gave a loud blood curdling scream that didn't affect me but nearby adventurers had to cover their ears in the middle of the fight. Then he spitted out his green vomit straight at me but it struck my invisible barrier then it rolled down slowly. It was like watching a viscous and sticky liquid stuck at a See Through Mirror.

Before he could make another move I cast a high tier fire elemental spell.

Fire enveloped the floor boss starting from head to foot. He uttered a high pitched piercing scream and when he realized he was done for, he made his final suicidal move. While on fire he ran towards me and exploded himself a few feet away. Green viscous liquid flew out along with green toxic gas. I was in the barrier so I knew I would be fine but other adventurers were in danger. Although, I don't care about them but this time I have decided to help them, so I won't let them get infected. When I was about to erect another barrier, a stone wall started to emerge in front of me, and in less than a second became twenty feet high. It stopped the green liquid to fly at me and the adventurers behind me. There was sizzling sound as if the stone was melting slowly. So, not only this vomit was infected but also acidic.

I knew who cast the spell to erect to this wall, I glanced at loli bitch, she had a high and mighty expression on her face. She is stronger and experienced than I had originally thought. She reacted faster than me and managed to erect a stone wall all the while she was in the middle of her own fight. I need to reevaluate my opinion of her.

And I bet she thinks that my current barrier couldn't withstand the blast and she had saved me and everyone. She knows I am strong but still underestimate me too much. Honestly, I couldn't blame her. When you are already one of the strongest person in a kingdom, you can't expect a random unnamed adventurer to popout that's way too stronger than you.

Fighting had already stopped. All the zombies collapsed including those who were previously adventurers. Even the mist was cleared and everything could be seen clearly. For the first time, I had seen gratitude in the eyes of the adventurers.

Few adventurers came to thank me while most of them were still catching their breath or grieving over the loss of their party members.

"Thank you, we are in your debt"

"Phew, you saved us"

"Man, you are amazing, you easily took care of Floor Boss like nothing"

They were showing their appreciation but still, there was an ungrateful asshole.

"Why didn't you save us before? Why you took so much time before deciding to fight? You left us to die, then at the crucial moment decided to help, so you could become a hero..."

This guy seemed familiar. After noticing two front teeth missing I realized he's the same guy whom Amelia smacked earlier with her sheath when he tried to attack me after I've slapped her girlfriend.

'Let me take care of your other teeth too' I thought.

I didn't bother to reply and was about to punch him in an old fashioned way but Claire shouted.


"You've seen how he..."

"I said shut up. if you speak another word, I'll make sure your adventuring days in 'Norfolk City' are over.

She looked him right into the eye. Her crimson eyes at that time look so terrifying that his face went pale and he took few steps back with fear then turned around and ran away hiding behind her whore girlfriend. Surprisingly, she too survived the dungeon.

I decided to let him off, for now. The dungeon wasn't finished yet, I won't let him get away so easily after pissing me off twice.

"So you couldn't finish Floor Boss without my help," loli said while grinning.

"I had it under control, you didn't need to help"

"Fufu, I am sure you had it under control," she said mockingly.

'Now, why the fuck I decided to help her after seeing her pitiful face, and here I thought she would be more disciplined' I thought.

"If you could cast a stone wall spell from distance then surely you could have dealt with floor boss yourself"

"I can't hurriedly cast a high level spell while surrounded by zombies. The best I can do is cast instant spells but that wouldn't have affected him much. Don't know what method you use to cast a spell quickly. "

"Hehe, that's your weak leadership. What kind of mage go in the front line without the backup," Amelia came along with Myra and joined the conversation.

"Y-You don't question my leadership. In this thick mist, everyone was separated, I was on my own. Besides, the dungeon hunting led by me always had fewer casualties as compared to others. But this time your party brought some kind of bad luck that made this dungeon too dangerous"

Well, she was not entirely wrong. It was due to Amelia and me, that the average recommended level to join the dungeon rose up automatically.

"That's how loser complains," Amelia covered her lips with hand and chuckled.

"Please stop you two, this isn't something to argue over," Myra intervened.

When she stepped in, things calmed down a bit. Loli bitch had her head down, trying not to make eye contact with me while rolling her hair with her finger, completely opposite to her rowdy personality a minute ago.

"Thank you," she muttered in a low voice.

"Eh, what did you say?" I jokingly asked.

"I said thanks for helping," she shouted.

"Don't thank me. I'll still be taking that 15 percent increase in reward"

"Wait a minute, don't you think it's too late for that"

"Hey, better late than never. Besides, the dungeon's not over yet"

"Fine, you bastard. Go and build a castle with your extra reward or better go and buy the whole kingdom," she kicked my leg in anger with her tiny feet and left while throwing insults.

Author's Note: Finally I have made a discord server. If you want to talk about something, want to give suggestions, correct my mistakes, or discuss something else then join it. We could have a good friendly environment there like sharing memes, suggesting other novels, games, movies, etc. (Though you could still do these things in comments xD)

JOIN: https://discord.gg/m8tJ7ux