[Claire PoV]

When I first entered the dungeon, I knew that it would be dangerous than your usual dungeon but it still exceeded my expectation. We were doing fine in the beginning but later while fighting Tenth Floor Boss our luck turned bad. Those guys that died fighting skeleton king at the frontline were elites, their loss affected so much as a whole. After Skeleton King it was a disaster. Though with vigilance and struggle we somehow managed to get to the next Floor Boss. Yet, it turned out to be a bigger catastrophe. Separated by mist we were helpless. Although I could see in mist due to my Vampire Eyes, yet I couldn't rally everyone in this confusion and disorder. And by myself, it would have taken so much time to defeat Plaguebearer Mistcreep.

That's where Max came. Normally this lazy ass does nothing but always at a crucial moment, he proved to be a great help. I hate to admit this but because of his help in both floor bosses, we had far fewer casualties than it would have been without him.

And his bitch Amelia like a real bitch always agrees with his every word and command saying 'Yes, Master' 'Yes, Master'. Although she calls him master, he doesn't treat her like a maid but more like a companion and lover. She is even worse than Max. She doesn't cooperate with anyone and go with her own flow, always training peasant girl.

About Myra, she's the only one whom I respect a little. She reminds me of my younger days when I struggled from the bottom while having nothing. She's lucky that these two cares about her and will mold her into something. If she keeps up the hard work at the same pace then she'll be turned into a force to reckon with. She's also a bit of mysterious, the strength she has shown so far is even less than half of Mad Borden yet she managed to defeat him back then. I'll rule out the possibility of some kind of cheating, nothing escapes my crimson eyes. She must have some kind of trump card. I mean everybody has an ace up one's sleeve, even I do have.

This party is really abnormal. We are here taking every step with caution without knowing from which corner trouble would come but they act like it's a walk in the park. Even in the nights, I have to assign people for guard duty so others could take rest. But this dimwit Max actually refused to take the protection or to do night duty. Rather, they set their camp far away from others.

At night this lecherous Max sleep in the middle while embracing both of them. Once, I visited at night to check on him. Seeing me he started moving his hand under Amelia dress, slowly took it to her breast and groped it then turned his face and started making out with Myra. I knew he was doing on purpose to tease me. And why am I even thinking about this and why am I blushing?

Last night after defeating Floor Boss, the grave from where he had risen slid open, revealing stairway to the next floor. Obviously, no one was in the condition to continue at that time. So, we rested till morning.

We can't take a break now. This dungeon has newly emerged and at its weaker state right now. If I continue to delay for days then it'll become more dangerous. Retreating is out of option too because then the guild will have to assemble a new team. They will have to call other Gold and Diamond ranks adventurers, maybe even a Platinum ranked adventurer from other cities. By that time it'll be too late, the dungeon will become out of control and will start spawning undead outside. Putting 'Norfolk City' in great danger.

"Okay guys, that's enough rest. Prepare to move" I addressed everyone.

"But, Mam..." one of them spoke.

"No 'buts'. Those who are injured or those who don't have balls to continue can stay"

Many stayed back under the excuse of injury and some even blatantly replied they didn't sign up for this hell. This was the first time I had lost hold on my own men. Though not everyone was like that. There were still a few who respected me as a leader and knew what was at the stake here.

"I want your party to take lead this time," I said to Max.

"Na, I prefer to be at the back. This way it's more relaxing"

"Don't tell me you too are afraid to continue"

"Afraid? You've got it wrong. What does it feel like when you are walking peacefully and some mosquitoes keep buzzing at you." bitch again interjected in a conversation between Max and me.

"Who told you to butt in? Besides, we already have a deal" I said.

"What deal? I thought it was only a one time thing" Max said with a wicked smile.

"Don't test my patience. It was for the rest of the dungeon," I said while gritting my teeth.

"Max, stop teasing her. These people need our help," Myra who was silent until now spoke.

"Ah if you've spoken on their behalf then I won't refuse," Max helplessly said then start combing Myra's hair with fingers.

'This bastard is getting on my nerves. Acting as if helping us is like a charity. I'll have to find a good opportunity to get him alone with me then I'll turn him into my fucking slave, no a fucking puppy who wags his tail for me. Fufufu just thinking about this is so pleasant'

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Max said.

"Humph! None of your concern. Just do the job that I hired you for"

After he ruined the delightful daydream that I had for a moment after days of hell, we took the stairway to Floor 21. Including me and Max's party, we were 23 people in total. There was almost one-third of people left, others died or were too wounded to continue and some chickened out.

We arrived at a lengthy but narrow hallway. It stretches for almost two hundred meters and at the end of the hallway, there were three doors that led god knows where.

"Amelia, take the lead. Protect everyone" Max ordered like a prince.

"Got it, Master. Myra come with, I'll teach you how to lead at the frontline"

"Coming sis. Gotta go, Max. Find someone else to mess with," Myra winked at Max and let go of his hand, leaving him alone at the back.

"Hey, I want you in front. I don't trust her with this," I shouted at Max.

"Rest assured, she is more capable than me at things like these." After speaking he started to walk towards me.

'Wait, now why is he coming at me, just lay back and relax like usual if you don't wanna be at the front'

He came and wrapped his left arm around my neck before I could even react and pulled me closer to himself.

"Oi, wh-what are you doing? Let go of me"

"I sometimes get scared if I am not holding someone cute in this dungeon, full of undead."

"Whom you are calling cute? Take your hand off or I'll bite it"

"Ha! Don't be so cruel. Consider this part of the deal," he smirked.

"Y-You bastard. Fine, but if you try anything funny then don't blame me for being harsh" I helplessly shook my head.

We didn't walk much but a guy whom I recalled is named Caesar started a ruckus. "You guys trust them to be in front? I don't trust them, nor I need their assistance". He was the same guy who got in Max's way twice.

"You are the best Theif we've got. You should take the lead" girl with reveling clothes spoke. She was his girlfriend or sister or fucking something else. I didn't even recall her name. They started to move to the front.

"Last time I remember I was the incharge here. You two get back into the formation." I shouted at them.

"Boss, you worry too much. You don't even realize you're being led by the nose. Don't rely on these rookies to much" Ceasor said.

"She is our leader don't talk back to her," one of the adventurers said and others too reprimanded him.

He turned a deaf ear to everyone and arrived beside bitch Amelia and Myra.

"Get back in line insect. Master ordered me to protect everyone, that includes lowlife like you"

"Sure, sure we have seen how attention and fame seeker your master is. We don't need his protection," Ceasar said with a chuckle.

"Get back, you ins..."

"Well, let him lead if he's insisting so much," Max said with an evil smile.

"Master, you said to protect everyone, if I let him go he'll die within fifteen steps"

"Then let him die. I don't care what kind of deal I've made. I have my bottom line. I won't offer my protection to any roadside trash who annoys me,"

"Hey, hey this is getting out of hands. Don't make me madder than I already am. I am saying for last time you two get back" I was also at my limit. My own men defying me again.

"You don't understand Mam. I don't trust anyone else with this job. Ask anyone Caesar is the best thief you've got in this group" Ceasar's bitch said.

With Amelia bitch not stopping Ceasar, he took the lead while his bitch was walking beside Amelia and Myra while giving them a mocking smile.

He was walking while whistling. Blue mana was being emitted from him, most likely he was using an active skill to detect traps. Precisely, at his twelfth step, there was a sound of 'Tick'. Looked like he triggered a pressure plate. Before he could even react, part of the roof where he was standing collapsed and a big + shaped rock landed on his head, burying him. Only his red blood came beneath the rocks. It happened so fast that he didn't even have the time to scream.

"SHIZAAAAAAAAAA" in this silent hallway only the despair shout of his bitch could be heard.

Author's Note: So, the plot didn't move much in this chapter, mainly because once I started writing Claire's thoughts I couldn't stop lol xD On the bright side, this chapter is very longer than usual. I have 14 university assignments that I have to submit soon. Still, I'll try my best to release at least two more chapters this week.

P.S I'll give a shoutout (in next chapter) to the first person who will find JoJo reference in this chapter (It's pretty obvious though :p )