Nobody Cares IF Goods Are Missing AN Eye Or Two

[Myra PoV]

It's been around three or four days since we are separated from Max's group. I am missing him so much already but there's another one who took this worse.

"Why the long face sis Amelia?"

"You know it already" she sighed.

"But you talk to him daily with your strange communication magic"

"There's a difference between listening to his voice and seeing him in person, holding him, feeling his warmth"

"I get it- get it but I am already satisfied with talking to him. You don't know how much I used to miss mother whenever I took a trip to a city with my father and now with you two, everything is convenient," I said as I held her arm with a smile and in return, she rubbed my hair gently.

Right now, we were in a dark cave that was filled with the pungent smell of rotting corpses, though there was not a single corpse in the sight. Amelia and I were in the lead while others six useless were following behind. Honestly, I have been less helpful but unlike them, I didn't take sis Amelia help for granted.

As we went further in the cave, growling could be heard from the distance. "Damn! There is no end to these ghouls" one of the adventurers said.

"They keep coming like cockroaches endlessly"

"We haven't had proper rest for days because of them," other adventurers also said.

"Myra, you'll take them head on, I'll not provide assistance until it's absolutely necessary," sis Amelia said.

Sis Amelia will spoil me, care for me, have fun with me all the time but once it's time for training, she becomes a harsh and cold instructor and make me work to the bone.

"Hey you too will have to fight, if anything happens because of your carelessness then Mam Claire won't let go of you easily," an adventurer with a mace said.

"Yes, she has paid extra for the protection of your party. Please honor your deal" another adventurer said.

"I am only protecting you under the orders of my Master and nobody else. That's the only reason you lowlives scums are breathing the same air as me"

"Y-You what did you just said" the mace guy glared at sis Amelia.

"Take your eyes off, Master said to protect the goods. Nobody would mind if the goods are missing an eye or two," sis Amelia said in anger, her face looking like she's holding back wrath of a demon but despite her temper, she isn't taking action that is unlike her personality.

"Umm, this isn't the best place or time to argue," I decided to intervene before things escalate and also ghouls were getting closer.

"You are too good-natured for your own good," sis Amelia said with a caring tone.

Soon, the footsteps and growling of dozens of ghouls could be heard. They didn't take much time to appear in front of us. I pulled out my shortsword from my sheath. It's a very short, narrow, slightly curved blade made of crystal is held by a grip wrapped in uncommon, gold colored leather. The sharp, dual-edged blade makes this weapon the best choice for both cleaving and stabbing your enemies with ferocious power. It's given to me by Sis Amelia, the previous one became low for my current level.

The ghouls came in our sight, they were dozens in numbers, running towards us looking scary. My heartbeat became fast, I was a bit of scared at this moment because I knew this time sis Amelia is leaving me own my own, even if I get injured she won't intervene unless it's serious.

The first one pounced on me, from the front, I slashed my sword, cutting his neck. Without any time for breath, another ghoul on my right slashed his claw. Reacting fast I managed to get my sword sideways to block and with an instant counterattack, I pierced his head. This wasn't over yet, a ghoul appeared, I dodged to the left while leaving a cut on his chest.

"Your cuts are not deep enough," sis Amelia said.

As he turned back and jumped on me, this time with the intention to bite, I took a few steps back and stumbled upon a stone, losing my balance and falling on the back. This allowed the ghoul to bite my shoulder, luckily this area was protected by leather armor. Before he could sink his teeth in with more force, I started to smash sword's hilt to back of his head repeatedly until it smashed opened, killing it.

"Your footwork needs some work and always be aware of your surroundings"

Ghouls always try to surround you and they succeeded this time too. Now, I was back to back with other adventurers while surrounded at all sides. Sis Amelia was far away from all this commotion and it was like the ghoul couldn't see her or sense her presence.

"There are many of them, protect each other blind spots while fighting," the mace guy on my left said.

'It's good to collaborate with others. Not only it'll help me raise my experience in teamwork. I can be a bit at ease too'

"Okay, I am trusting you on this one," I said to mace guy.

Now, the fight continued, I got too much into the battle and was oblivious of the surrounding. I just kept swinging my sword, cutting anyone who got in my front.

"Watch your left flank" sis Amelia's voice brought me back. I realized I was at the same place but others have retreated. There were about six ghouls who took the opportunity of me being unaware and made their move simultaneously. I held my shortsword with both hands and activated a skill.

My sword moved in a curve releasing blue arc light and severed all six of them at once. The continuous fighting for a long time and this skill took a toll on me and I reached my limit. Panting for breath I got on my knees. Honestly, I don't blame others for retreating but still, a little warning would have been nice or maybe they tried to use me as bait. Whatever happened, the fact was that it was my fault, I should've paid attention to my surroundings as sis Amelia has always said to me countless times.