Sorry Master For What I'm About To Do

[Amelia PoV]

Myra had finally reached her limit and couldn't fight anymore. Now, on her knees, she was about to get munched by a bunch of ghouls. As for the other six they were at a safe distance and had to face a few ghouls only from the front. Myra might not have noticed that while in the heat of battle she was abandoned by them on purpose. These cockroaches may be weak but they are battled hardened adventurers and know when to take advantage of the opportunity. Without speaking, only with eye and hand signals, they retreated safely with coordination leaving Myra as a bait.

I had never restrained my anger so much in my life. For those low lives to plot against, to have the harmful intention for my Master's woman, for whom I consider my little sister. This was an unforgivable act that should be punished with the most painful death. But I can't harm those whom Master has entrusted me to protect. I want to deliver them safe and sound in perfect condition. It's about the honor of my Master, he had made a deal with that little bitch and offered his protection to those who don't deserve his goodwill.

As for Myra, before she got overrun by ghouls, I made my move. Using I dashed forward while unsheathing my sword. In a straight line, I cut down everything except six cockroaches and arrived beside Myra.

"Sis... you are here," Myra said with ragged breathing as beads of sweat trickled down her face.

"Yes, rest easy. Leave everything to me."

Twirling my sword in a circular motion, I activated my skill that created a cyclone with winds as sharp as a blade. With I and Myra as a center, it extended outward, covering every ghoul in four sides and cleaved every undead. As much as I wanted to envelop those four insects too, I still had to hold back.

When the winds died down, I sheathed my sword and helped Myra up and gave her a stamina potion. "Thank You, sis Amelia." As she was gulping down the potion, those six insects start walking towards me, with the bug with mace in lead.

"Haha, you saved us again," Mace insect said as he moved his hand to put on my shoulder.

"Don't ever try to put your hands on me or Myra for that matter unless you don't want to use them ever," I swatted his hand away with the scabbard of my sword.

"Come on, you don't have to be so cold," he rubbed his nose with the other hand.

"You should count your lucky stars that I am letting you off the hook after the move you just pulled with Myra"

"T-That wasn't intentional. You know desperate situations need drastic steps"

"You, say this to my face again," I glared at him on verge of losing my temper as my hands unconsciously started to remove the sword from the sheath.

"It-It's alright sis, see I am alright. No harm done," Myra said with a pure smile that brought me back from my anger and filled me with a little guilt that I might have damaged the goods that I was supposed to deliver under the order of Master.

"I don't know what to do with you," I ruffled the hair of this silly innocent girl as she giggled.

The following two days went with these annoying leeches sucking off my blood. Taking either mine or Myra's advantage wherever the opportunity arises. They willingly or unwillingly followed little bitch to the depth of this dangerous dungeon, now like cockroaches they are set to survive any dangerous situation at any cost.

Now, we were at the end of Floor 29 in a small chamber. The door from where we entered disappeared into thin air and there were tens of big and thick shutter doors opened in front of us with the last one and the thickest among them being closed. These doors most likely led to the Safe Room.

The whole chamber was made of stone, with candles on walls illuminating the surrounding. In the middle, there were two statues made of cement in front of each other with a space for a person in the center. One was of a vampire wearing a robe with its fangs out that looked like it was ready to sink his teeth into someone and the other was a ghoul that seemed like he was struggling to restrain someone and had a gap in the middle of his claw like hands like gripping something.

"Well, the way to open the last door is apparent. It's something to do with these two statues," the cockroach with mace said.

"We can't be too sure, it could be a trap. First, let's look around and see if there's another way," Myra proposed.

"Can't hurt to take a look. And you idiots don't activate any trap. These thick doors seem like they are waiting to be shut down," I said.

Except for me, everyone got to work and even after an hour, nobody found any way out of there.

"Phew! Like I said the key outta here lies somewhere in the statue. You see, there's a place for one person in the center of both statues. Someone has to play a victim of a vampire. So, any volunteers?" the maced cockroach said.

"Since you've proposed then why don't you go yourself," I said.

"Who, me? No, No I am the guy with the brawns, if things go south I'll have to smash down these statues with my mace. What about you, Dickinson, you have the perfect slender body that can fit in there" he pointed out the skinny insect in the group.

"O-Okay, as long as you got my back," he replied.

"Don't you worry, y'all can count on me"

The skinny insect went towards the statue, after observing and touching to reassure himself, he placed himself in the center. Nothing happened then under the direction of maced cockroach he got himself restrained in the hands of ghoul statue and still, nothing happened.

"Eh, let's try with someone else," the maced cockroach said and then made other adventurers go without and it still proved useless.

"We are missing something or someone that plays the role of victim perfectly" Myra offered her opinion.

"Yes, this might be it. Mainly, vampires attack virgin maidens to drink their blood and turn them. So, you two might be the one to solve the puzzle, unless you two are not...ehm," maced cockroach said with a creepy smile on his face with which I would love to wipe the bottom of the sewer.

"Then, I-I'll go," Myra said in an embarrassed tone.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, think of this part of my training. In a worst case scenario, I know who to depend on"

She went and got her hands restricted as others one before. This time the lifeless eyes of the vampire became red and his face with opened mouth started going straight towards Myra's neck.

"Umm, this isn't looking good. I can't free my haaa..." she blanked out while speaking. Her face became empty without any expression, her eyes weren't even blinking.

At this time some kind of toxic gas began to fill the chamber that was taking away the HP slowly. The thick shutter doors started to close at the fast pace with the last one being opening.

"Shit! Everybody, make a run for it," the maced cockroach said and everyone ran through the doors as their lives depend on it, leaving dazed Myra and me behind.

'These low lives have now done it, a minute ago they were promising to have each other's back'

I hurriedly dashed towards Myra and cut down both of the statues as the fangs of the vampire was an inch away from Myra's neck. The doors were closing very rapidly and spreading of poisonous gas was even faster than it.

"Hey, wake up," I shook her but she was out cold.

I didn't know what was wrong with her but my best option at that time was the valuable Recovery Potion that restores Health, Mana, Stamina, low level curses, sickness, or debuffs.

"Hmmm, mom, where am I? Let me sleep a little more," Myra muttered with half closed eyes after I fed her potion.

"Hey, wake up, we are still in the dungeon" I flicked the forehead of the silly girl.

"Ha! Sis Amelia, di-did we successfully solved the puzzle?" she asked with cocked head.

"No, there was no way to solve a puzzle. The dungeon itself required a sacrifice to continue. Now get up we have to get to the Safe Room"

"But all the doors are closed now, how do we get out?"

"Leave it to me"

Arriving in front of the door, I took out my sword. Slashing my sword I made a big X on the thick door and kicked and it crumbled down with dust rising in the air. It was like an insult to the dungeon that with enough strength, you can break any rules.

"Wow! That's so cool," Myra muttered.

Like this, I took down other doors. After a few seconds of destroying the door, the dungeon itself started to repair the damage but it was enough time for me and Myra to pass.

"Please Help," there were two low lives between twelfth and thirteenth door gasping for air with a blue face. This poisonous gas was spread till the last door but it was ineffective against me and Myra who was still under the effects of Recovery Potion, so these insects had it hard.

First I had to them out of here alive, then decide their punishment later. Giving them Minor Health Potions, I made them follow me. While helping another two of the pests along the way I finally arrived the last thickest door that closed again after opening and I still easily tore it open.

"HA!HA!HA! This is it. I am not continuing this cursed dungeon any longer. Thanks to those two virgin bitches, we managed to escape," the maced cockroach said as he was out of breath.

"Yeah! But what a pity we lost the other four," the second survived skinny cockroach said.

"Hey, no sacrifice too great, as long as we survive"

I knew Master won't mind even if I killed them and that made me wanted to deliver the goods in perfect condition but these monkeys were out of line for days, the tested my patience. I had enough of them, I just had to vent my anger.

'Sorry, Master for what I am about to do.'