Chapter 29: Confrontation Part 2

He awarded her a terrific smile, which unnerved her. He followed suit and sat opposite her, his smile remained but his eyes were cold. Kate continued in a small voice, “My superiors would not allow me to sacrifice their property.”

“Is that so? They don’t think very highly of their men or your life.”

“Maybe the stakes are too high.”

Talokta looked at her. What was the point in her lying? Manutaai had presented him with the other stone. He had obviously successfully gained her trust.

“Do you wish to see your friends alive again?”

“What do you think?”

Talokta smiled again, which irritated her.

Amused at her reaction, he steepled his fingers together. “You have no idea what these stones represent, what they do, and your role?”

Kate at first fought an overwhelming urge to punch him, scream, or burst into tears, as she needed answers to those very questions to keep her sanity. But she took a breath and held back.