Kalvich had managed to infiltrate the Locum communications and was responsible for fooling the Locum Controller not to attack any further. Kate was too close and nothing must happen to her now. He was relieved when he finally received word she was safely on board the Sotoid ship.
Over the centuries, with his Trimadians conquering new worlds and wiping out would be enemies, he had felt his powers continually grow. His technologies were unsurpassed and with Crytaalic under control, thanks to the information passed to him by Marone, he would be unstoppable. The data he had been receiving of the experiments carried out to stop Crytaalic killing hosts and therefore expunging the Cathexistomes were nothing short of ingenious.
At first, Marone claimed they were his own in order to win favor with his Ruler. But Kalvich was not easily fooled. He knew Marone well. Kalvich threw him a bluff, I had ordered Sataal to undertake the experiments and to report to me.