Chapter 127: Preparations & Observations Part 9

Leah returned in the nick of time.

She had managed to grab the gown off the bed when there was a tapping on the door and a muffled voice outside.

She quipped, “enter” and fled into the bathroom. From there she could hear Sini calling out to her.

“My Lady, are you alright?”

“Fine Sini, I’ll be out in a moment.”

Leah struggled to wrap the bottom piece back around her. She glanced at her hair and makeup – yeah they looked passable. I hope I pass the Sini test.

Sini was rapidly performing an impatient hip hop dance around Leah trying to re–do her hair and touch up her makeup, muttering under her breath from sheer frustration.

“I leave you for a short time and look what happens.” Though Sini did not have a clue what the queen had done and decided it was best not to ask for details.

Leah grabbed Sini’s hand, making her jump.

“I don’t need your services.”

Sini raised her finely tweezed eyebrows in hurt surprise, "I'm sorry… my lady?”
