Chapter 130: Ceremony Part 3

Leah, eyes closed, body back to normal, with no tell–tale burn marks present, wore an expression of peace. The stones had stopped glowing.

Cemel had expected this to happen– the open ceiling was not just part of the show. It allowed a portal that would expose Leah to the upper dimensions. Leah and the Trinity Peak were as one– bound as stipulated in his version of what he called the Reverse Blessing. A term the queen would never know. In his chanting, he had called on the forces inside Casus Belli to guide her…and he was rightfully answered! The Chosen–One had an open heart and mind and had chosen her King, with Free Will. The Elder Gods would have no choice even though they would not be elated. This beginning was signifying the reigning God’s end.

They would have had to acknowledge her.

It was a gratifying moment for the evil sorcerer.