He was reluctant to grant her request at first, as the timing was bad. What with the unfortunate Palarian incident taking place on Heliostronus soil and the serious political upheavals taking place on Scorbosis. He had received the latest intelligence that the rebel faction building up in Zhesta was making noises. In fact, ever since the word spread that the legendary Queen Leah, was heading to Heliostronus, antiTrimadian activities had increased, albeit covertly, and rebel numbers had increased exponentially, which included the number of weaponry and ships.
He had largely ignored the rebels he could not take them seriously, including the pathetic Palarians until now.
His Leah was present, and he would not take any risk where she was involved.
He had even sensed much activity brewing in the Gods realm.
He had predicted this would happen, the beginning of the end of the Gods reign their own Armageddon. And the start of his reign to glory.