Chapter 155: Lasting Impressions Part 2

Sure enough the guards came storming up to her. She scowled at them, like an animal trapped. The Tremulus appeared and Kalvich emerged. His guards parted to let him through. He slowly walked up to her, noting the tense body language, the bravado, the sheer defiance and utter loathing in her eyes told him everything. He had seen enough, “Sonel! Et seud Colehm!”

Everything went black and Leah thought she had fainted. Next second she found herself in an empty white room with familiar white stripes running the length and width of the room.

The Supreme Ruler stood alone in front of her.

“Y–You tricked me!”

“Do you hate me Leah?”

She turned her back to him, momentarily confused.

Why the fuck would he do something so cruel.

His arms encased her as she tried to jerk away, but he held her.

She snorted. “So, it was all a program, a cruel and senseless joke to see how I would react to another woman.”