The old lady sighed as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, Leah, at last knew the truth. We are tired Leah, it is so ironical. Immortality is not what it is cracked up to be. Yes it is great for several thousand centuries. We have created mortal life in all shapes and forms all over the galaxies. We love the human race and Earth, with all its wondrous creatures and life. That is where our forefathers were born, so it is special to us. We want to be like them. We have watched civilizations flourish and fall. That is what life is all about Leah, the quality and decisions, watching children grow up, and hopefully they outlive you. Living one's life as fully as possible and passing away is what life is all about. We immortals do not have that. Sidonio was inadvertently wise and realized that thousands of years ago by sacrificing his power to be with the one he loved you Leah. He wanted to live his life out with you grow old and die.