Chapter 178: The Tale Of The White Wizard Part 4

The penny dropped and she felt sick. “The one I saw being struck down in the dungeon, he was not an impostor.”

Edith’s tears flooded her cheeks, her voice a wail. “That was the real Cemel.”

She swallowed. Pete was right…

Leah’s mind reviewed that evening before the Ceremony. If what Edith had told her was the truth, she had been living a lie, a terrible lie. “He has fooled me, the visits to me in my dreams and trances with the stones in my possession, his words were all geared to seduce me, oh god.”

Leah’s eyes changed to a hot bright red, “You sat back and let it happen. You feel you couldn’t warn me, you arseholes!” Leah yelled.

“We cannot directly interfere.”

“Oh, you are interfering now — to save your own arse.”

Edith looked like she had aged another five hundred years. “I’m so sorry, we were hoping you would see through him. He is a fast talker my son, he can charm anyone if he wants. That dinner you had with him and Talokta.…”