Chapter 223: The Longest Night Part 4

The two Trimadian’s stared at the strange female in a black dress, and made Leah feel very nervous.

Still staring at her, one of them asked Farlour something in his native tongue. Farlour said nothing, as the other one finished his transaction and handed back the credit card. The Trimadian repeated himself, reaching for something under his jacket. Quicker than lightening Farlour kicked his hand and punched the other in the stomach.

He leapt back in the Tremulus knocking Leah off balance and simultaneously scooping her inside.

“Move!” he commanded in Trimadian.

Two seconds later they were airborne, and a jolt hit them, spinning them around. Lars fought for control and managed to shoot up and away from the street at top speed.

“What was that?’ asked a dazed Leah, rubbing her head she had bumped.

“Oh nothing,” spat Farlour, only a Gloctol heating our arse up!”