Chapter 230: The Time of Lord Evan Part 1

Evan’s face appeared on the main screen in Kalvich’s office.

“I see you have sent your fleet in a weak attempt to intimidate me, I suggest you call them off.

Kalvich sat back, with a slight smile on his lips. “I suggest you say your prayers to Zakaroid to see if he would help you.”

“We want the same thing cousin, there is only room for one ultimate Universal Ruler and guess what dear Kalvich, it is all going to be mine. You will be the one to bow down and cower in front of me!” he spat. Evan’s eyes were a blaze of red fire.

“You do not have the brains, let alone the fire power, warrior numbers or technology to beat me Evan. I am a man of mercy when I feel it is just. Therefore, surrender and I will spare your precious world.”