Chapter 231: The Time Of Lord Evan Part 2

She looked down and realized she still had her black party dress on, totally dirty and in tatters. If she had looked in a mirror, she would not recognize herself under the dirt and bruises.

He led her gently and slowly down a short corridor, turned a few corners and entered a meeting room and sat her in a chair by the entrance. A huge round table with a square end was positioned in the centre, and above that was a monitor. He went over to the head of the table and pressed a button on a panel. The monitor came to life and Kalvich’s handsome face appeared, looking irritated and pale.

“Ahh, cousin, I noticed you have not attacked as you scheduled.”

“The first chance I get, you know I will destroy you and the rebels who have murdered so many innocent Trimadians inside the Lunar Axis.”

“Yes, the spoils of war, so sad.”

Without averting his eyes from Kalvich’s he called out, “Come and say hello to Kalvich, my dear.” A guard guided Leah to the monitor.