The colors of streets flashed by and were a fuzzy, monotone chopping movement in his peripheral vision as his concentration remained honed on the rapidly fading Camry.
When he managed a cursory look around him, he didnt have a clue where he was. He was heading out of Salmore on the opposite side of where he lived and the town was fading into old world country. He had never been to this area before. When his eyes came back to the road ahead a split second later the Camry had gone.
Five seconds later the road came to a dead end and he slammed anchors to a screeching halt, spinning the end of the Prem ninety degrees, narrowly missing smashing into a barbed wire fence. He killed the old engine, panting and looked wildly around him.
There was no trace of the Camry, Clair, or her two captors.
Blake leapt out, of all the fuckin! scratching his head viciously.