Chapter 246: SCIFI Showdown Part 5

Geoff Simmons was Denver Calham’s right hand man in the Secret United Earth Powers, and both men had been close friends for years.

His mind cast over the decades that had passed with the excellent relationship between both humans and Septens, sharing knowledge, technology and developing lifetime friendships. It was stipulated in the agreement between the two races that Two Ridge Mountain was the mutual meeting place for any situation, especially of impending danger. Now when the Septens knocked at the door — no one was home.

Simmons had accompanied Calham when he first met the enigmatic Kate Willard who possessed some extraordinary powers. He, like Calham initially possessed suspicion about the woman, and perhaps should have brought Scaba into it straightaway, but Calham wanted to play it alone.

Of course, Simmons was privy to the story that began the S.U.E.P movement, as he was one of the first Denver wanted beside him.