Chapter 259: Feast For The Gods Part 2

He turned to see what Kalvich was doing. Drinking heavily, chatting with a bunch of drunken guests and damn it—women still all over him. Yet, Kalvich was the most misogynistical, arrogant man he had ever known. Now Leah had retired, he made a beeline to confront him.

“I see you have become intimately acquainted with the fairer sex. Here was I thinking you really didn’t give a damn. Would you really like a lady or two for the night brother?”

Kalvich gulped down his wine, slammed the goblet down, making the women jump. He glared at his brother. Then, he took a good look at the women fussing and rubbing themselves all over him. “No, these two females are just whores and need to be taught a lesson in manners.”