Chapter 260: Feast For The Gods Part 3

Leah saw her husband’s knife, the one she had given to him as a wedding gift in the hands of Kalvich. It was tainted with her husband’s blood. She watched dumbstruck at the pool of blood forming around Sidonio’s still body.

With an unnatural softness, Kalvich stated, “He attacked me Leah, I disarmed him, but he fell against me and I—” He looked at her beautiful face screwed up in a mix of torment, confusement and anguish. She wasn’t listening to his words. It wouldn’t matter what he said.

She whispered, “It can’t be real—” she shook her head and strode up to her husband’s murderer—his own brother. All signs of grace and poise were diminished. She stood deep into his personal space, her gorgeous, pain-filled eyes cast darts of accusation and fury. This was a new side to her that he perversely enjoyed and bathed in her pain. She had a brave, strong heart for a woman. Sidonio was correct—he was jealous. Jealous of this intense loyalty and love she had for his now dead sibling.