Chapter 270: Incurable Disease Part 3

“Use your discretion who you want to select for the mission, how long you want to search, how you will employ your strategies. You will have the benefit of my memories and experiences. However, certain personal details will not be implanted. No one, including your most trusted must know your true identity. I can only grant you a temporary gift of immortality, and the power to call upon it. You do not need instruction, you will understand once you have undergone the transformation. While you are on this mission, the battle over Scorbosis will cease while you and your men are on the planet. If you suspect a trap, you get back to the fleet and instruct total annihilation of the Palarians, do not take any prisoners. Oh, and of course, the planet is rife with Zymergillian. I thought we had mined it all years ago, but indeed the reports are clear, the planet is ours for the taking. However, this time, Talokta is your number one priority.”

“Of course My Lord, I understand.”