Chapter 302: Price Of Justification Part 4

Darkness surrounded her, weighing heavily, squeezing and choking. Xarva ran his hand through her hair, totally ignorant to what she could sense.

She closed her eyes and ‘felt’ his presense standing by the doorway, aware that the creature behind them was so close.

Xarva, blissfully unaware was too caught up in his ‘programmed’ passion to only be aware of his heart’s object.

It sickened Kalvich, as this was contrary to a Trimadian warrior’s training and conduct. He should have sensed Kalvich but either chose not to, or was too caught up in lust. This emphasized the rule he had in place for his warriors—the forbidding of female involvement in Trimadian affairs due to the distraction they cause. The rising anger he could deal with, but this blatant disregard for His rules added disgust to his rapidly departing respect for Xarva—his 2nd in command—his so called friend.