Chapter 338: Line In The Sand Part 2

Edith looked like she had aged another hundred years. “Once Kalvich finds out, and he will eventually—that she has no inherited powers—was purely a mortal being, the fact he just needs to do a blood test—she would die at his hand. And so will Talokta.”

“So, out of the kindness of your heart, you did her a big favor. You create a mess and then make a bigger one covering it up. What about a bit of faith in me? How do you know what action I will take in the future? I can’t trust anyone! I do not want to have anything to do with you, or anyone from this point!”

Leah strode to the end of the cell, with her back turned. Blake walked over to her and gently put his arms around her shoulder. She turned to him, tears and pain was all he could see. With tears in his own eyes, he held her tightly as she sobbed her heart out.

After a while, Leah, slightly calmer went back to Edith, who was silently sipping Earl Grey with Harold.