Not a word was spoken between all three.
Soundlessly, Kalvich produced a long blade and stabbed it into Marones immense torso, twisting and turning. Blood spurted out covering the walls and over Galeons body as the shocked, stricken man, blood gurgling in his throat, began to crumble to the ground. Kalvich used the flat side of the blade to hold him up. With his free hand, he thrust deep into the core of the lacerated body and forcefully drew out his Cathexistome. He then withdrew the blade, and Marone slumped to the ground. The guard brought in a portable preserving tank and Kalvich released the parasitical creature into it, and silently left.
Galeon breathlessly did his best to hide his shock at the savage, blood thirsty act. Words did not need to be exchanged. All Kalvich had to do was a tortuous mind link to get the information. Obviously, that was too easy. Perhaps that came later. Or really, this was just a pure act of sadism.