
Chapter 43: Sammel

Sammel raced through the ship, heading for the escape pod section, knowing he would find the alien there. The pull was so strong since the explosion he couldn't contain it.

It almost tore him apart when the bomb went off. As soon as he recovered from the loss, a deep, wrenching loss breaking his heart and making him want to cry, he knew the other made it on board. He felt the conflict in it, the despair and knew it had no choice but to fight back. He was too late to save Quinn, but he would at least get to it before the others did if he was fast enough.

And he was fast. He had never felt so strong despite the tearing pain in his side, a constant companion. It was like his feet had wings, his heart extra muscle, his legs someone else's or part machine. If it weren't for the jagged agony piercing him every time he set his left foot down he thought he could run forever.