Chapter 24

True Colors

I fretted my way down the main corridor to the lab, my need to find and talk to Elle, to straighten things out taking over. For all I knew, Simone was still filling her head with nasty French swear words, half-truths and innuendo intended to keep us apart. How had I even considered liking Simone in the first place?

I guess my original worry they'd all start showing their true colors was well grounded in truth.

Such grim thoughts were distracted by the sound of yelling voices coming from the lab. Eager for something to take my mind off of what just happened, I headed for the commotion.

Philip stood in the middle of the room, body hooked up to electrodes, shouting at a young tech.

"You did it on purpose!" His face was bright red, eyes wild. "I told you over and over not to shock me again and you did!"