Chapter 28

Price To Pay

I hit the wind tunnel for some flying time to clear my mind and was just starting to enjoy myself, my thoughts losing their dark cloud, when the usual soldier's voice rang out over the intercom.

"All, um, test personnel report to the main lab. All test personnel."

He meant me, or at least the tech running the controls thought he did. I felt the air cut off and floated to the floor, miffed at being called "test personnel," but figured they were having trouble coming up with something politically correct. I overheard the term "supers" many times in reference to us and wondered why they didn't use it. Not that I cared, but test personnel brought up images of lab rats and endless mazes.

I was the last one to make it to the lab, earning me a scowl from Dad. I scowled right back and sank onto a table, arms crossed over my chest, only a couple of hours away from his latest insult and the edge that had yet to wear off.