A Friend of Magistrate Lu

What was Lan Guan-Yin talking about? MingYu took a step closer, then yelped in surprise as he stepped through the chair as if it was nothing. He had forgotten he could do this, how handy! Walking before the Ma's, he studied their pale features. Did they look… scared? Guilty? Both of those emotions seemed to be battling for control over their features as MingYu turned to look at Yang Chen. The man was also reading the Ma's expressions with hardened eyes.

Yang Chen didn't seem to trust either of them. He looked tensed as he sat in his chair, with his hand resting over his sword holster, tapping at it impatiently. From time to time, he shot a wary look Lan Guan-Yin's way and shifted in his seat, leaning further away from her.

So even Yang Chen didn't seem to be very fond of Lan Guan-Yin, MingYu thought. Then why was he here in the first place? And how come he knew Lan Guan-Yin?