Chapter 15: The Boogeyman

Cole is so cold. Water has seeped through the hatch, creating a small river soaking the bottom of his cage in a thin film of moisture. The filthy straw is no help and his pleas for a blanket are made to the darkness around him.

And he is thirsty. His last drink was two hasty swallows the Boogeyman allowed him before taking Gavin away. Cole only knows Gavin is gone because the place is silent. No breathing. No shuffled feet on the ground. The last time the hatch opened and closed to let the Boogeyman out, there had been only a little light. He had been carrying something, small and broken, wrapped in what looked like a blanket.

Cole knows it was his neighbor. But all he can think about is the warmth that blanket would have given him. Despite himself, he is jealous of the simple luxury even though he shies from what it probably means. Cole spends the following time in the darkness imagining the Boogeyman delivering his friend safely to Gavin's mom and dad. He only wanted to borrow the boys for a while. Just a little while.

He wishes he believes it enough to let him sleep.

Cole's stomach cramps, lower back aching from hunger. The water was accompanied by a small square of power bar. Just enough to make him wish he had more. How long has he been down here? Time is impossible to track in the darkness. All he knows is Gavin is gone and he is alone.

Thump. He knows the sound, now. It used to scare him because he didn't know what it was. But he figured it out. It's a car trunk slamming shut. Somehow picturing the Boogeyman driving a car is ludicrous and it makes him giggle. Quietly, so he won't hear. Cole is still giggling softly when the hatch opens. Light floods his world long enough he sees the blanket, the small bundle wrapped in it. Immense relief floods his heart. Gavin.

The hatch falls shut. Cole goes to the front of his cage. The finger of light makes him blink as the cage next to him rattles. The door creaks, then another solid thump and someone with a small voice groans in the stillness. It's a voice he doesn't know. So. Not Gavin after all. Someone new.

Cole is so wrapped up in what it means, he doesn't notice when the light turns, the shoes pausing at his cage. When he finally looks up into the brightness, he knows in his heart it's his turn. The Boogeyman has finally come for him.

The door swings wide and Cole is prepared. He lashes out with both feet, connecting with knees, hears the Boogeyman snarl in pain. He is part way out between those knees, crawling toward the hatch, when he is caught and pulled back. Something hard impacts his face. Once. Twice. Cole's head swims, stomach heaving from the blows. He crashes to the floor of his cage, shoulders making a squelching sound in the murky straw.

His head is spinning and so is he. Cole is suddenly on his face, the filthy floor in his mouth and nose. His heart pounds but he is limp and weak from the attack. Cole manages to thrash his arms around, to get his palms under him, but he is forced back to the ground where he collapses, unable to fight any longer. Whatever his fate, Cole is helpless.

The cage door squeals shut. And the Boogeyman's claws come out.
