Chapter 33: Neighbor

Emily sat as far to the right as she could, arms wrapped around her and refused to look at him. Her mind spun scenarios, truths and guesses.

He lived next door. Knew Cole. Was a lawyer, someone trustworthy. Volunteered to represent her. Was around all the time.

Drove a brown station wagon.

Harris knew they were in the park that day. She remembered seeing him in his yard when they walked past, she and Cole. Jester. Cole loved that dog. Played with him all the time, didn't he? It would be easy, so easy, for Harris. To take her brother.

When he broke the silence, she was sure she left her skin behind when she jumped.

"Either you're the most unlucky girl I have ever had the pleasure to meet or you are telling some very large lies."

She didn't answer, had her own questions but refused to speak. Not in his car. Emily wanted to ask them in the open, with her parents present.