Chapter 69: Netherworld

It wasn't hard to find Netherworld, down the same corridor as Egypt, just a few doors from the main realm entry. This one loomed, the head of a crocodile on the peak. It snapped at me but I brushed it aside, Chaos snarling at it so it meeped and retreated. We stepped through into fire and heat, the sky overhead crimson with flames, the ground writhing as if alive.

No, not as if. The souls of the damned crawled in eternal suffering, wailing weakly on either side of the bridge I crossed into the realm of Netherworld. No one tried to stop me, not the Furies, not the towering demon shapes with dog heads and wings like eagles and paws of lions who stood guard over the souls they kept. I could have let Chaos out and rivaled their towering forms but I didn't feel it necessary. She scoffed at their petty attempt to make us feel small so I marched on, jaw set, one goal in mind and I pitied anyone who decided bringing Dad out of this hell was a bad idea.