Chapter 117: Decaying Core

Usually it was Chaos who responded to threats of such a nature, who roared to the surface with the mist around me, thunder and lightning forming a storm in my hair, falling stars shooting from the neckline of my gown as she became herself through me.

She didn't have time to respond this round, however. I think I knew what was coming and had a head of fury on even before Juno opened her ugly, hurtful mouth and said what she just said about Delilah. About my baby sister. Screw Destiny and her geas. Like I needed it to take Delilah's side. Besides, as far as I was concerned, it took a menace to know one.

So, when I struck out at the Roman goddess, it was me and me alone who hit her full in the chest with a push of rage filled energy, who slammed her backward into the gods crowding behind her, to stumble over Mercury and Jupiter and to fall heavily into the marble railing of the newly restored bridge.