Chapter 143: Monsters United

My decision to run off and find the Ogdoad right at that moment met with tiny resistance. Namely, in the form of three small monsters who entered my private space after a short request to do so, apologetic in their low bows. The triplet healer boys with their pale skin and pink eyes, their thin hair transparent white wavering as though static electric controls moved each strand independently, halted just inside the entry, bare feet deep in the thick carpet, little hands holding each other's in a row.

They would have been creepy once upon a time, likely were the source of some poor child's nightmares in some unforetold realm where they'd spent their days since Chaos had been trapped, monsters misplaced and sent from home to do the bidding of the masters of other realms. Returned to me at last, to fulfill their true natures, that of healing the sick.