Aren't you rude ?

Looking at him not paying any attention to her Tian Tian just said nonchalantly to vent her thoughts, " I had already apologized to you. Some people should be thought that not replying is kind of rude."

'If this girl could stop talking and distracting me, I could focus on the energy that I feel over here.' thought Gu Shen and tried to focus his energy to find out the source of energy.

Since the moment he came he had a weird feeling surrounding him. It was a very new feeling for him, not that he had never dealt with ghosts but this energy that eh was feeling was kind of different.

Gu Shen was constantly closing his eyes to gather his powers and then opening his eyes and scanning the room to search for spirits or the energy source. But the only thing that he was able to see was humans and nothing else.

Tian Tian was sitting near window which gives her better access to the garden while Gu Shen was sitting besides Tian Tian on the joint chair.

After everyone settled down, professor Mi informed everyone, "The test today will be postponed to next week. I hope everyone can utilize this extra time to study much well and get higher marks than their expected score."

Hearing that the weekly test was postponed everyone in the class was happy and jumped in joy. Tian Tian also looked back and gave a hug to her best friend who did make an attempt to inform her.

Teacher Mi started teaching after the class calmed down, while Tian Tian began to day dream, along with focusing on the class a little bit as usual.

Tian Tian was a especially bright child since her birth, even though she used to see ghosts and talk to them, she was never of those people who were scared from ghosts or supernatural things, like her grandmother's older sister.

Tian Tian grew up by hearing the stories of her grandmother's older sister who was the owner of the house of spirits before her for forty years. She had heard that she was so scared of seeing those creatures that she had stopped going out of her house when she was just three years old. All of her studies had been taken care of by private tutors and later she did not continue her studies.

It took a very long time to make her realize her responsibilities and hand over to them. When she was crowned as the Queen many people thought that she won't be able to handle the position and would make wrong decisions, but the owner had time and again proven that the owner of the spirit house is chosen from birth and they are bound to contribute to it without backing off.

Whereas Tian Tian had been a very bright and cheerful child. This was also one of the reason that she was made as the Queen as soon as she turned sixteen which was officially the minimum age requirement for being a Queen.

One thing that Tian Tian had learned overall was that if she becomes the topper or if she comes in the list of high ranking student or if she does anything that brings her in the spotlight, it creates problems in her responsibilities as many children's have their eyes on the toppers or ranker's along with teachers. In order to avoid that Tian Tian started intentionally decreasing her grades and slowly coming in the list of the students who can barely pass. Apart from that Tian Tian also stopped taking parts in extra curricular activities such as sports, dance, music etc which were once a consistent part of her life.

This tactic had been proven quite useful as now apart from her best friend and a couple of other friends no one cares about what she does or no one tries to interfere in her life.


While on the one hand Tian Tian was busy day dreaming, on the other side Gu Shen was trying hard to find out the source of the energy which he was feeling since he had entered this classroom.

Looking around Gu Shen tried to find if there was a spirit nearby many times but, he was unable to see anyone.

'Spirits usually prefer to stay in quiet, calm , or dark places. This is a crowded and highly lighted place. Why would I feel such a stronger force here then? There is no way that any calm spirit can exude such a strong energy. This type of energy can only be found in powerful souls. Someone who have either too many powers or someone who has too many grudges.

It dosen't seem that there is someone more powerful than myself over here, which leaves only one option.

There is a vengeful spirit over here. I have to find it and cage it or destroy it.' thought Gu Shen while constantly focusing his powers to find the spirit.