Why are you sweating?

Tian Tian was noting down the important questions when she realized that her bench-mate was not writing. Looking at him she noticed the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Quickly passing him a tissue Tian Tian spoke, "Hey, what happened? Why are you sweating soo much?"

As Gu Shen took the tissue from her hands his hand brushed against the finger's of her hand making the source of energy stronger.

Without changing his expression he took the tissue calmly and wiped his forehead while thanking her.

Worried about the new boy Tian Tian asked him while being a little concerned, "You sure, you are fine? If you don't mind let me check your body temperature."

Gu shen was already wondering if there was any way for him to touch her again so he could notice the feeling again. Hearing her suggestion he simply nodded while closing his eyes.

After the new boy nodded, Tian Tian touched the back of her one hand to his forehead while touched the other hand to his forehead. Noticing that his temperature was not abnormal she felt relieved and said, "Probably you were nervous coming to a new class, don't worry everyone is friendly here. Drink some water, also if you don't feel like copying the important questions you can take it from me later on, just relax for today." saying Tian Tian started copying the remaining questions.

On the other hand Gu Shen realized he actually felt little suffocated in the lift also when she entered, but he did not take that matter too much into consideration.

'Just now when she touched me I actually felt the energy from her.' thought Gu Shen

Focusing his eyes he tried to see through Tian Tian for a couple of times,'Why can't I see through her? Who is she? And most importantly how powerful is her spirit that all of my attempts are complete waste in front of her. Most importantly, why do I feel cold all over my body, why is it that as I use my energy on her I feel weak?'

'This is not right, something seems wrong, I will have to speak to dad about it.' thinking Gu Shen decided to focus in class.


"Bye bye Si Tu Mo" bidding good bye to her friend Tian Tian sat down in her car and decided to go to the spirit house and check the situation over there before going home.

Looking at her watch she realized he had enough time to make up for her dance class as well and instructed the driver,"Uncle, let's go to the garden and then I will go to dance class and then home."

"Yes young miss, the snack packed by Mistress is in the box, you can eat it if you feel hungry." came the prompt reply from the driver.

Rubbing her stomach which was little empty Tian Tian started eating while observing the surroundings.

One of Tian Tian's hobby was to observe her surroundings, she was so engrossed in it that she would not get bored even if she sees the same thing again and again. This was also the reason that she can day dream for around hours in her school.

Just when the car was passing through forest, Tian Tian felt some kind of energy. Trying to access it she first asked the driver to slow down the car and stop it, if possible, while she tried to close her eyes and find the type of energy she was feeling.