Chapter 34: Unbalance Part 1

Face of God, but marrying Njrea had been a mistake.


Trals hadn't married Turtle. He had just marched in and used her. Simple.

"Trals Scarback!"

But nothing about Njrea was simple. No plan escaped from her unchanged.

"Trals Scarback! I have a problem to lay at your feet."

"Yes, Pmhamun?" Trals turned. If another Eethlek began a harangue with the words 'your wife...'

"Your wife," said Pmhamun, "let herself be seen by me in her time of woman's blood!"

Of course she had. "Is that so?"

"Yes," the warrior said, "I was making my way back from the latrine ditches, and I saw her, clear as the feathers on a snatcher's tail."

Trals rubbed a hand over his face.

"I had to walk until dawn to find some running water to bathe myself in, to clear the stink off me," said Pmhamun.

Trals nodded, remembering his own cleansing journey of several days ago. He'd gotten the stuff on his hands, which should have meant something more drastic, but Trals was not a superstitious man.