"Heh, Mree! What's wrong this morning?"
Andrea jerked on her bed skins. Someone was shouting outside.
"Oh," Mree's voice called, "you know. A pack of stealers killed a flocker during the night."
"Psh. Bad luck."
"Yes, my husband is dancing it away."
Andrea sighed and fell back onto her bedskins. It was just the morning shouting match. The Eethlek Call to Gossip.
"Oh, those stealers," the other woman sounded like she was standing behind Andrea's tent, "they were running from the fire. Njrea shouldn't have burned the face of God. Everyone thinks so."
"No they don't," Mree corrected at top volume. "Everyone thinks the animals fleeing the fire were delicious to the people who know how to catch them."
"Heh, Mree, heh Lidh," a third woman said. Was there some sort of convention outside? "Yor, my husband's going hunting for neckling. Do you want some meat?"
"I do want some meat. I suppose it needs to be dried before it goes bad?"