The battle alert sounded on the bridge of the Phoenix. Roche entered the hive of orderly commotion that was the command center and proceeded directly up to his First Officer. "What do we have?"
"QSG tube forming 100,000 kilometers to our aft. Squadron three was on standby, and I ordered them to launch. All four banks of cannons will be charged to 100% in 30 seconds."
"Very good," Roche replied, "Have all other squads move up to standby. I don't think they're going to throw anything smaller than a fleet at us from this point on. Status on our QSG?"
"Ryan said he's having a problem maintaining a consistent balance due to structural damage in the last attack but is confident he can give us a short jump in about five minutes."
"Ship emerging from quantum tube," Jones called out from tactical.
Roche and Dobson watched the monitor on the command table that showed all tactical data. As expected a Sa'larie warship appeared and immediately launched over 50 fighters.