Ryan pulled off another miracle to keep the QSG up and running for nearly 90 minutes taking the Phoenix 36 light years. It came out of the jump just 3.2 light years from Starbase X01 and the New Terra system.
"No hostiles within sensor range," Jones reported.
"Very good Mr. Jones," Roche said. "Helm, point the nose down."
"Aye, Sir," Parker said as he directed the ship's stern negative by 60 degrees. At the same time, the doors on the flight deck opened and sitting in the middle of the deck was the Kerkes. Juan sat on board in the pilot's chair where all the controls were. As the ship bowed down and the door opened Juan's communication system got a straight line of sight to the direction of the Starbase.
"You're lined up Commander," Roche said to Juan over the comm.