Chapter 23: You Can Be Free Too

Little work managed to get done the rest of the day as the kids thrummed with excitement and fear. The house vibrated with it as plans were made, promises sealed. But no one had the courage in those first hours to do anything about it.

Garris was fine with that. "It will take time for them to adjust to the idea," he told Fresco as the gathered kids chattered excitedly together in small groups, the kitchen slowly emptying. "I'm as anxious as you to get started, but let's give them a bit to realize this can work."

Fresco instead ventured down to the basement with Garris to choose a treatment room where they would begin the testing. They dismissed using the room where Joey suffered his attack. Even as Fresco entered, he shuddered, feeling the residue of what the boy released. But more, the memory of what happened there was too fresh for everyone.