Chapter 24: Experiments

Despite Parker's desire to be free, Fresco found her evasive. He knew right away she wasn't in the house when he woke the next morning and a trip to the kitchen confirmed she was gone.

"She went hunting," Kimberley said around a mouth full of oatmeal and milk. "With Chad. Said she'd be back really late."

Garris was impatient and didn't want to wait, so they chose someone else to run the first test.

Garris posted a schedule on his door after breakfast. Fresco found himself peering over smaller heads hovering and whispering around the list of kids and their appointment times in the treatment room downstairs. He heard a few groans and the odd soft sob, but for the most part the energy in the house remained positive.

He wanted to support Joey, the first on the list, but Garris disagreed.

"Let's see how they do on their own first," the tall man said. "I don't want to wear you out. If they can manage, they manage."