Chapter 31: Celebration

The whole house rejoiced with the return of Kimberly. Fresco and Chad were greeted with cheers from the front steps of Last Stand as they brought her home. She was taken back into the fold as easily as she left and sobbed quietly as the other kids, her friends and family, embraced her and drew her inside.

Garris and Parker were both there, smiling. They waited for the rest of the kids to go back into the house before turning to Fresco. Parker's smile was gone. Her concern was clear.

"Did they see you?" She appeared calm, though he knew she was feeling anything but.

He shook his head, more in frustration than denial.

"I don't know," he said. "I don't think so. They didn't even look our way."

"They were too focused on the body," Chad said.

"Body?" Garris adjusted his glasses, fingers shaking.

"It was wrapped in a tarp," Fresco said, "about the size and shape of a kid. Looked like a pick up."