Chapter 32: Welcome Home

Chad gasped over a puddle of bile tinged with blue as Parker sagged next to him, her face calm and smiling despite her weariness. It made sense for her to support Chad. The shared gift meant an easy link between them. It almost made Fresco jealous. Parker felt it, still open from Chad's journey and met Fresco's eyes, sliding herself back to him as she let Chad feel the freedom he won. Fresco's jealousy didn't survive the contact.

Chad's freedom caused the household no end of excitement. Those standing watch in the small room and crowded outside in the hallway and stairs swelled with cheering so loud Fresco forced himself not to cover his ears. Even Garris was yelling, doing an odd, awkward little dance, all long limbs and tapping feet. He lunged forward to embrace Parker as Chad met Fresco's eyes and mind.

I'm here, Fresco said.