Fresco's frantic mind leaped into action as three Garbagemen in their coveralls and ball caps emerged from the darkness. He recognized the leader. Strom grinned at him, that same grin he remembered from the back of the van the night they took him away. His eyes glowed as blue as Daniel's. Fresco felt the power coming from him.
He was right, after all. The Garbagemen were just like them.
"It's over, kid," Strom said, gentle voice and handsome face disarming. "Time to come home, now." He held out his large hand to Fresco, his wide shouldered body calm and still. He seemed completely at ease.
Fresco decided he needed to give the Garbageman something to worry about.
He gathered himself as he felt around the warehouse. Three more of the blue-clad soldiers closed in from behind. Fresco had only moments to act before he was surrounded, and it was too late. He focused his attention on Strom and lashed out with all the fury he was holding in.
Strom laughed at him.