Fresco threw caution and his own safety to the wind, tearing his way back through the warehouse toward the window he came in, trusting in blind animal instinct to keep him safe. Voices echoed, shouting from behind him, answered by more cries ahead. He dove into hiding as the three other Garbagemen who were with Strom pounded by on their way to help their fallen leader.
Fresco gave it only an instant for them to pass before running again. He made it to the window, so focused on it when his feet hit something soft in his way he fell sprawling on his face. Terrified it was a Garbageman, feeling hands clutching his ankles, he lashed out with his sneakered feet, pulling back at the last moment as he realized who he fell over.
Daniel's eyes gaped huge, his face covered in tears of Wasteland, a thin line of blue snot tracing from one nostril to drip from his quivering chin. Fresco reached instinctively for his brother, but Daniel cried out as he did.