Chapter 36: No Going Back

Fresco fought consciousness, not knowing why staying in the dark was preferable to waking. His mind tried to pull him deeper, to submerge him in the quiet of sleep, wanting him to stay forever. He reached for the stillness and embraced it, feeling the cool and calm of it wrap him in a cocoon and shield him from harm.

But the light would not be denied. It tugged at him, coaxed him, tempted him with sounds and warmth. Until, at last, he sighed deeply and came back to the real world.

Instantly, he remembered everything and wished he hadn't.

He tensed as he realized he was in the back seat of a moving car. Heart pounding, he reached out with his power, but felt nothing from the front seat. Fresco lurched to a sitting position and grabbed the driver.

Medley cried out as she lost control. They swerved violently. Fresco pulled back, but not before the rocking motion of the vehicle knocked him back down.