Chapter 37: Dreams Of The City


Book Two of The Diamond City Trilogy

Part III: Brotherhood

The gleaming staircase stretched out below him, shining under the brilliant blue sky. The City beckoned, the song swelling in Fresco's soul. He knew it well, longed for it most of his life. The Diamond City with its polished gemstone streets and multi-faceted buildings, and the crowning glory, the fairy tale castle shining at its heart, summoning him to enter its gates and be welcomed home forever.

He wasn't alone. Parker stood next to him, her amber eyes and mocha skin so dear. She smiled, perfect white teeth shining stars. She offered her hand. But when he tried to take it, the distance between them grew in an instant. She rushed from him without moving, taken by a chasm of space he couldn't reach across.

She cried now, blue tears streaking down her face, glowing with their own inner light. Fresco tried to fly to her, saw her mouth forming words, begging him to come to her, but all was silent and still.