Chapter 44: Home Sweet Home

Apple hugged him hard around the neck when Fresco carried her through the doorway.

"It's perfect," she whispered before sliding down to explore.

The room he chose for them was interior so their lights wouldn't be noticed, but otherwise it was clean and relatively empty, save for a few old crates in one corner. The plain concrete floor would be a little cold, but Fresco planned to liberate some more blankets and old mattresses and figured that would take care of the problem.

Happiness swelled inside him as he watched the kids check out their new home. They were less timid, more eager than the terrified bunch he rescued from the basement of the abandoned house. And he wanted them to stay that way.

"There's running water," he said, "but no electricity." The city water ran no matter what, to their benefit. And there was a washroom just down the corridor from their room.

"Shower?" Peter looked down at himself and made a face. Fresco laughed, knowing how he felt.