Fresco bounced impatiently on the toes of his sneakers as the elevator crawled its way to the third floor. He jammed his fists into his jacket pockets to keep from fidgeting, but couldn't control his feet. Medley glared once and sighed, rolling her eyes at him.
The door chimed, the steel plates hissing slowly open. It was all he could to do keep from forcing them wider with his hands. Before he could dart between them, Medley shouldered him out of the way and was the first one off. He took the hint and fell into stride behind her.
He could barely contain his excitement. This was perfect. The relief that soon Garris would be there to take over where he left off and help the kids was enough to make Fresco giddy. He admitted to himself he wasn't comfortable in the role at all. The thought of passing over the responsibility again was the best news Fresco had in a long time.