Chapter 46: Motley Pack

They stopped long enough to retrieve the rest of Fresco's things. Medley didn't say a word about having the kids relocate, but he was okay with that. She was on his side again at last. One step at a time.

In his haste, he missed the detail she didn't. When he came back through the kitchen with his stuffed backpack he jerked to a standstill at the look on her face.

She stood at the open basement door.

They went down together. A small pile of shredded duct tape was all that remained of Daniel's presence.

"Damn it," Medley whispered. "Foolish boy, where do you think you can go?"

Fresco shook it off. There were more important things to think about now. If his brother was determined to kill himself, it was his decision, or at least the decision he allowed the blue joy to make for him.

They found the kids huddled in the darkness, their world lit only by a single candle they squeezed in around. Fresco hoisted Apple into his arms and hugged her.

"You're clean," he said.