Fresco clenched his hands together to keep them from shaking. Everything in him demanded he go back inside the house and put an end to those horrible people.
Medley must have felt the same way. She shook worse than he did. Fresco reached for her, to thank her for stopping him from making a huge mistake. She jerked away from his hand on her arm, however, the steering wheel twitching in her grip.
"It's okay," he said. "We did the right thing. They are just a symptom of this, a cog in the machine." In spite of his words, Fresco felt a deep well of frustration. They didn't have the answers he needed, just slivers of information to reinforce things he already suspected.
"It's not okay." Her voice vibrated in time with her trembling. "It's not."
She pulled over, horns honking around them as she swerved to the side of the road. Medley slammed the car into park and buried her face in her hands. Fresco couldn't believe it. She was crying.